Request for quotation

* Please fill in each separate article on a new line.
Example sizes for horizontal flags: 60/90 cm.,120/70 cm.,150/90 cm., 250/150 cm., 300/180 cm. etc.
Example sizes for vertical flags: 200/80 cm., 250/100 cm., 300/120 cm., 350/120 cm., 400/150 cm., 450/160 cm. etc.
We can produce other various sizes by customer's order.
** Please send your logo in vector format in Corel Draw, cdr, eps, pdf in CMYK.
Maximum file size - 2 MB. If you have more files or a larger file, please send them separately by email.





* It is recommended that the file names contain only latin letters, without spaces and special symbols, except - and _. For example: company-logo.cdr

Insert symbols: *

Fields marked with * are required